this is sadflikzz dot com       this is sadflikzz dot com       this is sadflikzz dot com       this is sadflikzz dot com       this is sadflikzz dot com       this is sadflikzz dot com       where everything       and everyone is stuck inside a deep pit of sadflikzz       everything and everyone is sadflikzz       there's no other being in this world other than sadflikzz       we are sadflikzz       all is sadflikzz.


"oh my god, it's sadflikzz.”



SadFlikzz. He’s a Subsequently Awkward Dude, an artist, and beginner animator. The man is quite young, isn’t good at math, and has very little social interaction skills. He loves for rock and metal type music. SadFlikzz first started drawing at the age of 3 as he states, “One of the first things I remember drawing as a little kid is a Lego Spiderman figure on my bedroom wall when I lived in an apartment with them many years back.” Since then, he’s never stopped drawing the stuff he enjoys. SadFlikzz started animating at the age of 11 on an iPad. One of his first animations was titled, “Where are you Flikzz?” The animated short was 30 seconds long and had some inside jokes mostly only he and his friends understood. Since then, he’s made other shorts like the “Water For South Sudan Fundraiser Project” to promote a fundraiser at his school, and not too long ago made “A Very Dark Jerkmas” before December 2022 came around. As time passes by, SadFlikzz has nothing else to do, other than to “try his best on the next math test” and continue what he’s already been doing.